• Megadarra | Simply Scrumptious by Sarah
    Lunches,  Main Dishes

    Megadarra (Syrian Lentils and Rice)

    Hi Everyone! Today I want to share with you a very simple recipe that is perfect during lent for meatless Fridays.  My sitto (grandma in Arabic) used to make it all the time!  It is extremely easy to make, delicious, and very healthy!  This meal goes very well with any kind of pickles and also beets.  I served mine with pickled beets and baby dill pickles.  Pepperoncini peppers and pickled turnips also go extremely well with this meal.  I hope you will enjoy it!  

  • Huevos Rancheros | Simply Scrumptious by Sarah
    Breakfasts,  Main Dishes

    Huevos Rancheros

    Happy Saturday everyone!  I am sitting on my couch right now with a cup of coffee watching The Pioneer Woman on the Food Network… What a nice way to spend my morning! Today I am going to share my recipe for huevos rancheros.  This meal was actually my boyfriend’s idea.  We were kind of joking around about this dish, and then I was like I think I could make this!  So we decided to give it a try!  I went on pinterest to get some ideas and to understand the basics of the recipe, and I came up with my own version.  I think it came out wonderfully, and it…

  • Roasted Garlicky Asparagus | Simply Scrumptious by Sarah
    Side Dishes

    Roasted Garlicky Asparagus

    Hi everyone! It has been such a long time since I have blogged, and I have some exciting news! I am in training to be a Weight Watchers instructor and I am so excited to start! I have lost 46 lbs while on the program and it really works! I hope I will be able to help other people to do the same! I kind of had a lull in ideas, but I am back, and my latest recipe is for asparagus. I don’t know why, but I have been in the mood for asparagus lately, and that led me to come up with this delicious way to prepare it.…

  • Curried Cauliflower | Simply Scrumptious by Sarah
    Side Dishes

    Curried Cauliflower

    Hi Everyone!  Last night for dinner I had an idea that I was pretty excited about… and it came out even better than I thought!  I got the idea from Wegmans (I know… big surprise!)  six dollar meals.  One of the side dishes they offer is curried cauliflower, which I have gotten before and enjoyed.  So I decided to try to duplicate the recipe and it came out even better!  I was super impressed! This dish is super low in points, very healthy, and it is delicious; like regular roasted cauliflower, but with a seriously awesome amped up flavor!  It is also super easy (and fun!) to make!  I hope…

  • Roasted Beet and Goat Cheese Salad | Simply Scrumptious by Sarah
    Lunches,  Side Dishes

    Roasted Beet and Goat Cheese Salad

    Hello Everyone!  So this time of year there are all kinds of yummy beautiful foods to harvest.  My Mom’s garden has been very bountiful, and one I have been particularly enjoying beets this year!  She normally cans all of her beets, but this year I snagged some fresh beets and roasted them and they were amazing!  If you have never tried cooking with fresh beets, you really have to; they are absolutely delicious, zero points, and so healthy too!  Here are some healthy facts about beets: The pigment in beets may help to prevent cancer. [1] Beets are a good source of Folate, Manganese, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin C, and Dietery…