• Main Dishes

    Vegetarian Eggplant Lasagna

    So since Lent is starting today (Ash Wednesday), I thought a meatless dish would be an appropriate topic for my post tonight.  I know during lent, I am always looking for new vegetarian/fish dishes to try!  This is really a play on lasagna, and I subbed out the noodles with eggplant.  It still gives you the feel of a cheesy tomatoey Italian dish, but without the carb overdose! It also can totally stand on its own with a nice salad or cut up veggies and does not need to be served with meat!  I hope you all enjoy! Vegetarian Eggplant Lasagna Ingredients: 1 Large Eggplant 4 tsp of olive oil…

  • Lunches

    My First Blog Post

    Hi everyone!  Thank you for visiting my blog!  This is my first post, and I would like to share with you today a recipe for Avocado Egg Salad!  I absolutely love avocados, they are full of healthy fats, and really yummy too! I made this recipe up, because I do not really like mayonnaise and it is an easy and nutritious lunch to bring with me to work.  I normally pair it with Wasa Crispbread, or on cabbage leaves to reduce the carbs.  I hope you all enjoy! Avocado Egg Salad Ingredients: 1 Avocado 2 Hardboiled Eggs, shells removed 1 Tbsp. Spicy Brown Mustard Juice from half of a lemon…