Curried Cauliflower | Simply Scrumptious by Sarah
Side Dishes

Curried Cauliflower

Curried Cauliflower | Simply Scrumptious by Sarah Hi Everyone!  Last night for dinner I had an idea that I was pretty excited about… and it came out even better than I thought!  I got the idea from Wegmans (I know… big surprise!)  six dollar meals.  One of the side dishes they offer is curried cauliflower, which I have gotten before and enjoyed.  So I decided to try to duplicate the recipe and it came out even better!  I was super impressed!

Curried Cauliflower | Simply Scrumptious by SarahThis dish is super low in points, very healthy, and it is delicious; like regular roasted cauliflower, but with a seriously awesome amped up flavor!  It is also super easy (and fun!) to make!  I hope you all will give it a try… I think you will be happy you did!  Here is the recipe!


  • 1 head of cauliflower
  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 1/4 tsp curry powder


Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F.  Wash the cauliflower and cut it up into smaller pieces. Place the cauliflower in a large plastic zip lock bag and add the rest of the ingredients.  Now comes the fun part!  Make sure the bag is sealed and shake it really well until all of the cauliflower is well coated!  Spread out the cauliflower onto a cookie sheet and bake for 35-45 minutes!  That’s it!

Curried Cauliflower | Simply Scrumptious by Sarah
Cauliflower after being shaken in a bag!

Serves 4, WWP+: 2 per serving


  • Rose


    This looks so good to me. I definitely will try this dish. I’ve been using turmeric in my foods for about a year now to help heal my intestines. It does seem to be working…slowly but it is working. Curry has turmeric in it so this will be great for me. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.


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