About Me

My name is Sarah and I have always loved cooking, baking, and eating!  I created this blog to share my love of food and cooking, and the recipes I have developed with you.  First, let me share with you a little bit about myself.  I live in Tampa, Florida, and I am originally from Upstate New York.  I have been in Tampa for about four years and I am absolutely loving it!  I work as a Sr. Product Engineer, which I am enjoying.  I also have a little Yorkipoo, who I am just crazy about!  Her name is Maria, and I am sure I will mention her from time to time in my posts, as she is the love of my life!

About 6 years ago I lost 46 lbs with Weight Watchers.  It has been a struggle to keep it off, but I am proud to say that I am still at goal!  I followed Weight Watchers points strictly for years, but recently I have completed a whole 30, and have changed my way of eating.  I strive to eat Paleo as about 80% of the time and the other 20% of the time I just enjoy!  It is still a struggle to maintain my weight, but I have learned how to make healthy and delicious recipes along the way!  I also have taken a lot more time to learn about nutrition, and how to eat healthfully.  I am a big believer of using REAL food and making things from SCRATCH.  Just because you are trying to lose weight does not mean that you have to eat fake diet food, or sacrifice flavor.

My philosophy on nutrition is a little different than the typical North American diet.  Contrary to popular belief, I do not believe fat is the enemy!  In fact you need lots of healthy fats, protein and a few healthy carbs.  Healthy fats make you feel full, and refined carbs leave you feeling hungry and wanting more.  Most of my recipes will reflect this philosophy, however I do think that it is okay to have an occasional treat, as I also LOVE baking!

I hope you all enjoy this blog, and please feel free to comment and let me know what you think!


Before and after my weight loss!


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